Thursday, June 27, 2013

Research pod research: design inspiration from the film Pacific Rim

For my research pod i brought in a book Pacific Rim: Man, machine and monsters - that i purchased from the film  Pacific Rim, Directed by Guillermo del Toro.

Del Toro's works with around the characteristics of fantasy and monsters, such as the Hell boy series. Very influenced by a huge fan of comics books and monster movies. From Pacific Rim, I was very interested in the sci-fi elements of the futuristic fighting mechs, yet fairytale/fantasy like designs of the creatures from the film. It reminded me hugely of The Secret World. 
Such as the monsters shown in game:
What also interested me was that Del Toro mentioned the design and concepts for Pacific Rim were very much influenced by the classic film Gozilla and the popular japanese anime/manga culture of monsters and fighting robots. Which reminds me that Tokyo is the new area that The Secret world is currently developing.

I like the idea of bringing the mech- fantasy theme in tribute to the upcoming Tokyo update for my project. Some of the interesting images i researched for the popular Japanese robot theme were as follows:


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