Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Artist research: Jessie Lam

I came across Jessie Lam's work and what interested me was the cyber-punk style to her works. I have seen her gallery and noticed she share some of the same games i play, such as Mass effect. Therefore i can see where she have got some of her inspirations from.
The piece that caught my eye was the one in the middle, the girl with the swords. I was immediately reminded of the the Dragon faction due to the katana words, which is symbolic of the asian samurai aesthetic.
I am very intrigued by Lam's style as i can't quite figure out how she does the texuring of the materials. Her drawings have a glossy glow to them, which is very eye catching. At the same time give the garments/armor more of an embossed, more 3 dimensional. Especially looking at the body suit at the bottom right, the transparent glass look amazing. Which i need to experiment on how to texture to achieve a more in depth look to an illustration.

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