Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Deux Human Revolution - Artist research: Jonathan Jacques-Belletete

Another artist I looked at for the combination of postmodern science fiction genre of The secret world was Jonathan Jacques-Belletete. These are concept designs for a game calle Deus ex Human evolution. It deals with the idea of cybernetic human enhancements and artificial intelligence, at the same time, combined with the fashion style that resembled a modernised renaissance period. This echos the Cyberpunk genre. I find his works very useful as in ways how to change and stylise the traditional clothing with futuristic hi-tech elements. Which I have experimented with some works I have been drawing for my project. 

I also like the richness of the rending, the colors are very solid and this is something i wish i can eventually work towards to skill wise. As at the moment i feel my technical skills are still a big problem for me.  

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